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B.App.Sci. (Human Biology) M.Ost.

Claire (1)

Treatment Approach

Claire bacame interested in osteopathic medicine after seeing how beneficial it was for her mother following an acute lower back strain. Since completing her own training, Claire aims to treat each patient according to their individual needs using a variety of techniques. These include soft tissue massage, joint articulation and mobilisation and gentle trigger point release.

Claire particularly enjoys treating upper back and neck strains, and pregnancy-related aches and pains.

Professional History

Claire was trained at UNITEC Institute of Technology, in Auckland, New Zealand. She graduated in 2003, amongst the first graduates of the New Zealand programme.

She began work in 2004 at Waiakere Osteopathic Centre a busy multi-practitioner clinic with a wide client base including sports-people, children, office workers,manual labourers and retirees. She enjoyed the challenge of working with many different patients, but decided by the end of 2004 to emigrate to Brisbane to see a bit more sunshine!

Claire has worked with Bodywise Osteopathy since December 2004, in both a full and part-time capacity. She and her husband have been thrilled to welcome Georgia in 2008 and now Emily in 2010, but she continues to maintain an interest in working with people and is very fortunate to be able to work with Dr. Collins and the Bodywise Team part-time.

Since her own experience with pregnancy, Claire is more than happy to treat expectant mothers (and can relate to their discomfort!).

When not working,or chasing children around, Claire enjoys swimming and cooking. She is an avid reader, and loves going to movies.